We completed a workout that was heavily focused on shoulders. By the end of the workout, I couldn't raise my left arm without experiencing significant pain. I thought for sure that I may have torn something.
This couldn't have come at a worse time because I was three weeks away from a physical fitness test for my law enforcement career. The following day I went back to the gym to complete some weighted rope climbs. After completing two, I began experiencing moderate elbow pain. It hurt so bad that I couldn't continue my work out.
I walked right outside and called Maccio Physical Therapy to make an appointment with Joe Jr. It proved to be the best phone call I could have made because Joe was quickly able to help me stop the pain while continuing to train. Last week, I passed my PT test and without Joe's help, I'm not sure I would have made it. I would recommend Maccio Physical Therapy to anyone who is serious about regaining mobility." - Lou