Thursday, November 21, 2019

Back to 100%

I started getting back pain back in high school but always brushed it off due to my age and always playing sports.  Fast forward 10 years and the back pain started to slowly impact my everyday life.  A month ago I was referred to Maccio by my doctor.  I had never experienced so much pain in my life.  It was almost unbearable and I could hardly walk.  I came to Maccio and was greeted by my therapist Lindsey.  On day one it was very simple she explained to me what was going on and listened to what I had to say.  After the first week I already felt much better.  I stopped the medication for pain relief and followed the exercises that were given to me.  Now, a month later I am 100% independent and I am walking out of the doors not only without pain, but with tools of resources to be used in the future.  Thank you, Maccio Physical Therapy and especially Lindsay.  – Carolyn 

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Going the Distance with MDT

I called Maccio Physical Therapy a few weeks before I was going to run my first marathon because running was give me pain in the side of my hip. After seeing my doctor and confirming it wasn’t a fracture, I began going to Maccio for treatment. They gave me a series of exercise and stretches to do through the day, and before and after running. I was able to run the marathon with minimal pain within a few weeks the pain went away almost entirely.  I greatly appreciated their help dealing with this.