Thursday, July 27, 2017

Road to Success

"I had been dealing with knee and foot pain on my left leg for a couple of years, and decided to seek medical attention. My primary care physician referred me to a knee specialist. I spent the next few months being bounced from specialist to specialist within the orthopedic practice. After hundreds of dollars spent on co pays and X-rays/ MRI’s they still haven’t really been able to help me determine root cause or address the pain and discomfort. I then started physical therapy at Maccio Physical Therapy. Focusing on the lower back, we were able to drastically reduce the symptoms in the knee and foot. Through exercises, stretching and movement, I am now pain-free and working to eliminate the last lingering bit of discomfort. Joe and the rest of the staff at Maccio have all been wonderful, making this a very pleasant experience." - Jason

"This patient presented with localized pain in the knee. After a thorough MDT assessment, it was determined that his knee and ankle pain was referred from his lumbar spine. Spinal treatment was given which quickly resolved the patient's symptoms and returned him to a pain-free life. If this thorough MDT assessment was not performed, treatment most likely would have been tailored to the knee and ankle which would have left him with an unsuccessful outcome." Joseph R. Maccio, DPT, Dip. MDT 

Maccio Physical Therapy, PLLC
The Capital Regions ONLY Certified
McKenzie Spine and Extremity Clinic
1 New Hampshire Ave, Troy, NY 12180
(518) 273-2121

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