Do you suffer from Hip or Knee Pain?
Do you know someone who does?
Read about how Maccio Physical Therapy helped Andres reduce his Hip Pain
and get back to living his life to the fullest!
Then, don't forget to sign up (or refer a friend) to our FREE Hip and Knee Pain Workshop!
Call us: (518) 273-2121
E-mail us:
"Maccio Physical Therapy was my last resort after countless orthopedists,
chiropractors, other physical therapists and even a surgery on my right hip.
Right from the start, I could tell that the McKenzie approach was totally
different from anything I had experienced previously. Sam and Joe worked with
me closely to identify exercises that reduced my symptoms and I hit those
exercises HARD. This treatment plan was infinitely better than the treatment
plans I had experienced at precious clinics, which consisted of repeating
minimally effective exercises over and over, and then wondering why the patient
wasn’t getting better. I have never felt as personally cared for as I did at
Maccio Physical Therapy. Even if someday my symptoms return and I have to come back, I am
confident that their therapists will be able to get me back on my feet swiftly.
Thank you Maccio Physical Therapy for giving me my life back."