Thursday, August 30, 2012

This Week's Inspiring Story

When I first came to Maccio Physical Therapy I was in a great deal of pain. My Primary Care Physician referred me to Maccio PT and indicated that I had a herniated disc. My pain level was initially 8-9-10 at the worst. Joe Maccio Jr first helped me to understand what had happened and gave me exercises that immediately started to help begin the healing process. I had been prescribed muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatory by my primary physician, however I chose not to use them because of the initial relief that I felt from the exercises that Joe recommended. I continued with PT appointments and gradually healed from the injury. Joe's professionalism, positive feedback, and consistent reassurance contributed to a positive outcome. I'm back to jogging and have started biking as part of my ongoing health maintenance. Many Thanks!-Gretchen N.

1 comment:

  1. where did you have herniated disc ?
    How long does it take for you ?
    - to walk/work with an acceptable low level of pain
    - no pain days at all

    Now do you still have some days with the pain even quite low or not at all ?

    PS: L5-S1 for me. MDT since 3,5 months. Can walk/work but frequent pain level 1-2
