Friday, May 26, 2017

Why We Do What We Do. MDT Verses Injections and General Physical Therapy.

"I’ve had low back pain and sciatica pain for 12 years. It was steadily getting worse the past couple of years. The pain forced me to miss work sometimes weeks at a time. I’ve also had a hard time really enjoying time with my son as everything I did hurt whether it was sitting, standing or lying down. I’ve been through pain management where I received medication that only masked some of the pain and was given cortisone shots that hurt more than helped. I’ve also been through several rounds of Physical Therapy before being referred to Maccio Physical Therapy. Those other places never helped, just had me in traction and general stretching, so I was apprehensive that this time would be different. I was given a treatment that corresponded with the pain I was feeling and I am very pleased to say I am in the least pain I have been in since my original injury over 12 years ago and it’s all thanks to Maccio." - Eric

Maccio Physical Therapy, PLLC
The Capital Regions ONLY Certified
McKenzie Spine and Extremity Clinic
1 New Hampshire Ave, Troy, NY 12180
(518) 273-2121

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