"I was 36 years old, relatively young and fit, and was
thinking that intermittent neck pain might just be my new normal. It's wasn't
debilitating, but it certainly sucked the joy out of my life. I had to
consider how my neck might react before getting in the car for a long trip,
roughhousing with my kids, or even reading a good book in a reclined position
before bed. Because of the intermittent way the pain would hit, I'd
waited way too long to do anything about it. I started at my primary, and they
referred me to traditional physical therapy. I went diligently twice a week for
an hour each time and did all of the prescribed exercises for two months. It
was hard to tell if I was accomplishing anything, but I don't really think
so. I decided to try seeing a chiropractor. They did an adjustment, and while
it did feel great (and I still see them sometimes) it didn't solve my problem.
I finally buckled down and saw a specialist who referred me to Maccio
Physical Therapy for Mckenzie Method Physical Therapy.
I met Joe on my first appointment. He did an evaluation and
explained in a clear and concise way what my issue was, and what specific
exercises I would need to do in order to heal. It wasn't a laundry list of
general exercises like I had been doing previously for hours each day, but
rather a single specific maneuver that could be completed in just a few
minutes several times a day. Joe talked me through the whole course of
what we would be doing to get me well, and we began. After that initial
appointment, the COVID-19 pandemic hit. I slacked off on my exercises and
canceled my appointments as I had other things that I needed to focus on, but
before long, Joe had called to check up on me, and we decided to proceed with
telehealth appointments. Joe is so proficient and knowledgeable, that we
were able to proceed without any issues at all. He would have me turn the
computer different ways to get different views of me doing exercises, and he
could show me and tell me what to do just as he would have with an office
I am a few weeks into things now and have noticed a significant improvement. I am not at 100% yet but feel that I am over the
hump, and most importantly, now have the knowledge and tools that I need to
keep improving, and to keep my neck healthy.
Thanks so much, Joe, and the staff at Maccio Physical
Therapy!" ~Jesse