Wednesday, February 28, 2018

MDT Perspective: Chemicals Won't Fix a Mechanical Problem!

"I have had back issues for a number of years which had gotten to the point that I could no longer even make it through the market without terrible back and leg pain. I had numerous injections in my back to help alleviate the problems. This would work for a few months then it was a shorter time frame that the injections would do any pain relief. At first the doctor recommended physical therapy, but in my head it made no sense to pursue it. How could I do all kinds of exercises when I couldn’t even walk without pain? After a few years of feeling that life was not good or enjoyable because I was so uncomfortable I decided to give physical therapy a try. Well, I am shocked at what a difference it has made. After just a few visits I noticed relief!! My physical therapist also noticed that I had another issue that the doctor never picked up on. I am retired and planning a trip to the beach where I will be happy to walk the beach and pick up seashells without pain. I can now enjoy life and make it through the market again thanks to Maccio PT!" -Sharon

"This patient had over 6 injections and was prescribed Gabapentine and TENS, which had no effect on pain or function. Once a McKenzie (MDT) evaluation was performed it became clear that this patient's pain was mechanical in nature, not chemical, and when the corrective movement was prescribed the patient improved rapidly despite a 4 year worsening history. This is a common presentation that we see far too often and one of the most important reasons to consult with a skilled MDT clinician before pursuing long term pain management. We find 80% of chronic neck and back pain is fixable once properly understood." - Joseph R. Maccio, DPT, Dip. MDT

Hefford C. McKenzie classification of mechanical spinal pain: Profile of syndromes and directions of preference. Manual Therapy 2008; 13: 75-81.

May S, Aina A. Centralization and directional preference: a systematic review. Manual Therapy 2012;17: 497-506.

Maccio Physical Therapy, PLLC
The Capital Regions ONLY Certified
McKenzie Spine and Extremity Clinic
1 New Hampshire Ave, Troy, NY 12180
(518) 273-2121

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